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Facebook's name change defined a milestone in the history of a technology that’s decades old, but how big is the impact of such change to the development of the metaverse?

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Statistics for testing - P-value, alpha, beta and effect size

The most widely adopted testing tools take care of the math on experiments, but the researcher must be able to make the necessary configurations for calculations to be correct. I will explain what are …


Statistics for testing - Histograms and density curves

During a test, many samples are collected and its conversion rates calculated. The next step is to group and classify this data in such a way that will be possible to infer data about the whole …


Statistics for testing - Samples and probabilities

How to be sure that the result of a hypothesis test with samples is representative of the whole population being studied?


Statistics for testing - Hypotheses

There are many types of tests with samples, and this post will present the most used with online testing techniques, such as A/B tests: hypotheses tests.


Statistics for testing - why should I know statistics?

When you see the results of an A/B or split test, do you question the results that you get or accept them without hesitation? If you don't question them, you should.


The optimization aspect of CRO

As best as it can be any given purchase experience, there is always something to improve. This is, at least, one of the premises of those who work with CRO, or Conversion Rate Optimization. Find out …